Monday, December 31, 2007
What is a Production DBA?
And most DBA are not into production work yet. So, what are the experience / characteristics of a production DBA? Here are my two cents.
1. Manages 20-30 databases which are 25-30 GB in size.
2. Knows what to do when he is on-call.
3. Understands the inner workings of MySQL. For example, does he know what mysqldump actually do aside from backing up the data? How will it perform with a 25 GB data?
4. Based on the 1st criteria, the DBA will be careful in writing his queries. For example, he knows that select * from a table is query that should be banned from MySQL.
5. Very handy with scripting languages which could be PERL, Shell, etc. If the DBA has to update the configuration of 30 databases, he cannot do this manually and therefore he has to rely on his scripting skills to be able to whip a quick script to do the work.
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
JasperServer Evaluation
1. The documentation for JasperServer is terrible. Unlike other documentation which assumes that you don't know anything, JasperSoft assumes you know their stuff already. Because of this, it is quite hard to understand.
2. iReport which is the GUI interface to create JasperReport looks cool but I can't seem to get it working with JasperServer. Again, because of poor documentation or none at all. Oh wait! There is documentation which I think can be found in the 'JasperServer Ultimate Guide' which you have to buy for $50. Hmm, maybe a good way to make money for open source company. Create a nice looking open source software, but sell the documentation. Sweet!
3. I almost forgot this... when I was installing JasperServer, typically you would expect that if you have an error, the installation will stop or just let you know that there was a problem. With JasperServer, you have to look at the logs and make sure that you don't get any Java related errors. Sweet!
Well, I'm still evaluating this software but my other co-worker is evaluating InfoBright which I heard is a MySQL storage engine that compresses and makes your data ready for data warehouse processing.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
How to Analyze Slow Query Logs in a Production Database
What if I migrate my database to a new hardware? How do I compare the slow query logs of the two hardware? The problem is that this is a live system and therefore the amount of query are not the same, so it is like comparing apples and oranges.
After a cup of coffee, I realized that I would just do the following:
1. Get the high level average count of slow queries and average query time for 1 week before and after the migration.
2. Drill down the average count of slow queries and average query time on a server by server basis.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Essential MySQL DBA Skills
1. Solid understanding of database system including design and how data is processed.
2. Handy scripting language that you can use like PERL, Python, or even Shell.
3. MySQL Backup, High Availability and Performance Tuning.
4. SQL language.
Monday, December 17, 2007
How to Use Delete SQL in a Production Environment
In retrospect, I should have done the following items:
1. Instead of delete sql, I should have issued a create new table and select the 3 million rows from the old table. This would have been faster and it would not be necessary to run optimize table.
2. If I have to use delete and and optimize table, I could have copied the table to a non-production database and run the commands there. After it has finished executing all the processes, I can copy the new tables back to the production database. I have this option since there is no transaction happening on those tables on an hourly basis.
Sunday, December 16, 2007
MyISAM 4GB Default Limit
A good discussion on MyISAM 4 GB default limit can be found on this link:
Saturday, December 15, 2007
How to Test a MySQL Backup Recovery
Here are a couple of ways to test your backup recovery (assuming that you have restored your backup already).
1. Do a select count(*) on all your tables before and after you restore your data.
2. Do a md5sum on your MySQL files before and after you restore your data.
Obviously when you do test your recovery process, you need to make sure that no data is being changed while you are doing it.
Friday, December 14, 2007
How to Issue an SQL to all MySQL Database without Replication
Here's the problem: What if you have to update a couple of big tables and you know that if you apply it to the master that it will take a long time to replicate? What can you do?
Here's the solution: Run the update queries on each database by turning off replication. This can be done by running the command below.
set SQL_LOG_BIN = 0;
Thursday, December 13, 2007
First Day of the Month
select DATE_ADD(LAST_DAY(DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), interval 30 day), interval 1 day);
This is how I computed the first day of the month. I'm not sure if there is a simpler way of doing this.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
MySQL Volume Partition
There is nothing wrong with this if you have a small database, but once your database grows, you will see an impact of what you did. What you sow, is what you reap. Let me explain this further, remember that binary logs needs to be written to the hard disk and the same goes for the data files. Imagine if there are two processes writing to your hard disk at the same time, what would happen? Setting aside the technological jargon, it will take longer to perform the necessary action.
This is the reason why you have to be careful in partitioning your MySQL into different volumes. Make sure that the binary logs and the data files are in a different partitions.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Book: DBA for Dummies
And what topics would be covered in this book? Replication, backups, security, etc... But all of these topics can be found in other MySQL books. So, why would someone write a book for DBA for Dummies? Because it would contain advance topics or a in-depth details on the topics just mentioned. For example, how do you do circular replication? Or how do you manage 25 databases?
Monday, December 10, 2007
It's Monday... What do I do as a DBA?
2. Check your replication and make sure it was running smoothly (you should actually check this everyday).
3. Check your logs for any related errors.
4. Check the scripts that you are working on.
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Oracle vs. MySQL
Am I going to compare MySQL and Oracle here? Nope. For all you know, you really did not have a choice as to which database you have to choose. Your boss chose it for you. So, what is the point of having a title called 'Oracle vs. MySQL' if I'm not going to compare them? Nothing really. It's just a point where there are certain things in life that you really don't have control about.
Saturday, December 8, 2007
MySQL Database Hardware Migration
1. Optimize the queries that are running on your database.
2. Try to partition your data so extensive I/O database will be distributed evenly.
If both approach don't work, you have one option left and that is to migrate your database to a new hardware. Here are pointers on what you have to do.
1. Backup your previous data.
2. Make sure that the new hardware configuration is identical with the old hardware.
3. Prepare for a downtime meaning you have to shutdown your database.
4. Copy your data to the new hardware.
5. Test your data in the new hardware.
Friday, December 7, 2007
Help! My Database Stopped Working
- Check if the database is running. Check the MySQL process.
ps -aux | grep mysql - Check the error logs. Where is the location of the error logs again? The default location would be at /usr/local/mysql/data/ and look for a file with .err at the end of it. Sample errors would be:
- Database got restarted - check with your sys admin why it restarted.
- Replication failed - do a show slave status and check the error then restart the replication.
- Check the MySQL process list and see if there are any read / write locking happening.
show processlist
Thursday, December 6, 2007
MySQL Eggs
When you look at the new feature set of MySQL, they are just so serious in trying to become the no. 1 database out there. Where is the fun??
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
My.cnf File
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
MySQL Conference 2008
But the question is should you attend at all? Well, if your company is going to pay for it, why not?! But if you are going to pay for it, think twice. Sure, you will learn a lot, but do you really need them especially since you are just starting as a MySQL DBA? Even if you are an intermediate DBA, it would just be for fun if you are going there... I'm not sure if the learning value outweighs the cost.
Anyway, check this out for details...
Monday, December 3, 2007
How to Install a MySQL Database
When your boss or peers asked you to install MySQL, they are referring to the server part. The server is what you use to create your database and store your data. The client is what you use to 'query' your database server.
For simplicity sake, use MySQL RPMs. This is used in a Linux system. I assume that if you are using Windows that you should be able to guess what you need to do. There's a reason why you should use RPMs and the reason is that it is simple, efficient and easy to manage.
As a newbie, do not be tempted to do binary installation eventhough it looks easy and believe me it is easy too. But RPMs are way easier... here's how to install a MySQL database in a Linux system.
1. Download the appropriate MySQL RPM for your Linux system.
1.1 32-bit or 64 machine??? Oh, you need the assistance of your system administrator for this... specifically ask them if you have a 32-bit or 64-bit. For 32-bit machines, you need the RPM with 386 appended to it and the 64-bit has the 686 appended to it.
1.2 What kind of operating system? Again, ask your system administrator. It is easier to ask than to figure it on your own. So, if they tell you they are using a Fedora Core 6 (note on the version of the operating system, it is important), then just look for the corresponding RPM in the MySQL website.
2. Install the MySQL RPM.
Ahem, ahem... use this command....
rpm -ivh
How hard is that? Oh, in case you made a mistake. There are two things that will most likely happen, you will get an error saying that you downloaded the wrong RPM (you can blame your system administrator or you can blame your boss for giving you a small monitor -- can't see that right rpm in a 19" monitor) or you installed the wrong RPM.
If you installed the wrong RPM, use this command to erase it.
rpm -qa | grep -i mysql ((a) this will tell you what MySQL version was installed.)
rpm -e (result from the above) (This will remove the RPM.)
So, that's it. Your next step as outlined in the MySQL documentation is to start the server, issue some grant SQL, etc...
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Pareto Principle in MySQL
If the MySQL documentation is 1,000 pages long (I'm giving an arbitrary number here), then according to the 80/20 rule, in order to learn 80% of MySQL, you just have to study 20% of the documentation which is 200 pages.
But! 200 pages is still a lot. Non-fiction books are almost 200 pages long. What if we apply 80/20 rule to this situation again? So, to learn 80% of the 200 pages, you just need to learn 20% of it which would be 40 pages.
Think about it, in a daily DBA work, do you really need to know 40 pages worth of MySQL documentation? Most likely not, you may have intuitively applied the 80/20 rule again and again until you are left with probably 3 pages worth of MySQL documentation which are the bare essentials to your work.
Saturday, December 1, 2007
MySQL Logs
I hate the 'logs'. As you are well aware of, there are three major logs in MySQL and those are the error logs, slow query logs, and the binary logs.
1. Error Logs
This is the simplest of all the logs and the most important for all the newbies. In case you forget anything, remember to know where the error logs are located because it will save you a lot of headaches in the feature.
2. Slow Query Logs
The infamous utility called the mysqldumpslow will help you parse your slow query logs. If you have a small database, then this can help you. But what if you have a 25 GB database with a rate of 1,000 queries per seconds? Mysqldumpslow will still be able to help you, but you may have to parse the slow query logs on your own.
You can use your favorite language, PERL, Python or even AWK to help you parse the slow query logs. Come to think about it, they are just text files. Is it easy to write a parsing script? Hmmm, it depends on your skill but it is worthwhile to learn regular expression and ways to parse these files on your own.
3. Binary Logs
When I first heard about this type of log, I hate it! This log contains all the changes done to your database. And there is a parameter in the my.cnf that controls the growth of the binary logs and it would be painful if you don't set it right.
Imagine the binary log grew to 2 GB, when you use the mysqlbinlog to convert the binary logs to text files, imagine how long it would take? Or what if you know a position in the binary log that you want to extract, how long would it take the mysqlbinlog to get it from a 2 GB file?
Thursday, November 29, 2007
MySQL GUI Interface
Here are my few cents on the different MySQL GUI interface out there. I am not affiliated with any of the following products.
1. Navicat
I have research tons of MySQL GUI interface and basically I found that Navicat located at is one of the best GUI interface there is. The interface is clean and it makes and feel that MySQL database is easy to use. The basic disadvantage: it is not free.
2. MySQL Administrator and Query Browser (from the MySQL website).
Although these tools have more power compared to Navicat, I find that they are not needed by newbies. MySQL Administrator gives a lot of information which I don't think you will need especially if you are just starting in MySQL and if you don't even know the basic MySQL commands.
The MySQL Query Browser as the name suggest is used for writing queries against the database. With Navicat, you have the power of the MySQL Administrator and Query Browser all in your hands.
3. PHPAdmin
This is a PHP-based MySQL Administrator which is okay for me but I rarely use it for the following reasons: installation is not straight forward and it is browser-based (I just don't feel like managing my database in a browser setting -- this is just my preference).
4. SQLyog, HeidiSQL, MySQL Maestro, and other Navicat-like wannabe...
Most of them are just the same. I haven't found anything that can surpass the comfortable level of Navicat.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Essence of MySQL
What is the essence of MySQL? If you have to break down MySQL to its skeletal framework, what will you be left with?
MySQL is just made up of files (the extensions with MYI, frm, MYD are just extensions of FILES). I'm being simplistic here... and you can argue that all databases are just made of files. But let me give a couple of examples.
1. When you 'query' the database -- performing select, insert or update... what are you doing? Reading and writing to the MySQL files.
2. When you try to do performance tuning? What are you doing? You are improving how fast you are able to 'read and write' to the MySQL files.
3. When you want to do replication? What are you doing? You are just copying one data from one file to another.
4. When you want to do backup? What are you doing? You are just copying files (making sure that they are not currently being written) to another file.
So, what is the essence of MySQL again?
Sunday, November 25, 2007
As a side note, I find that most MySQL articles are hard to understand and in my opinion it takes someone to have a lot of experience in MySQL or database to appreciate them. Heck! I don't even read them because I don't need to know them. Less information is more information.